please see attachment

Read over pages 29-34 of the

General Portfolio Instructions for NBPTS (link).


Links to an external site.

   These pages will illuminate what the writing needs to look like for your highest NB score. 

View Tracey Bryant’s video on writing for Component 3 linked in the video picture below. You will not complete the advertisement as suggested in her video, but
you will create three separate versions of your own analysis of a lesson you have implemented. Follow the graphic organizer created in this module assignment.
Your versions should show: a statement, a statement with evidence, and your best submission of a statement with evidence and an analysis.  You want to include: 1. describing what happened in an instructional situation
2. analyzing the “how,” “why,” or “in what way” a particular lesson was or was not successful in teaching students and 3. reflecting on how you would handle this same situation in the future

You must also
respond to another person’s submission.  In your response, please use 1. direct address 2. compliment why the 3rd version of a writing was the best.  What specifically worked in the writing which would give it the highest National Board score.

