To begin Reading Discussion 4, read pages 7-18 of Rosina Lippi-Green’s essay “English with an Accent.”


The first page of the text is page 7 because it is the first chaper of a book. The reading is challenging, but Lippi-Green’s examples and bold headings will make it easier to understand.

For your first post, summarize your understanding of Lippi-Green’s main ideas about language. What are the key points in the reading so far? What does Lippi-Green want you to understand about how language works historically and socially?

In your follow up post, find a classmate who identified different ideas or explained them in different ways. How does your classmate help you understand Lippi-Green’s ideas differently or more fully? What are you learning about language that you hadn’t thought about before? Or thought about in this way? 250 words.