MUS 101/001 the 4 Triads Practice:

Major and Minors:

A Dm G F# Bbm

a D Gm F#m Bb

Augmented and diminished:

Adim D+ g° F#aug Bbdim

A Dm G F# Bbm


c Eaug a° Ab+ F

Write a treble clef then notate the following chords on the staff:

Remember, Major chords use a capital letter by itself for example: B or D. Minor
chords chords can use a lower case letter or a capital letter with a lowercase “m,”
for example: e or Em. Diminished chords will have a degree symbol or “dim” after
it: Ddim or d°. Augmentet chords get a “+” or is followed by aug: G+ or Gaug.